Piyale Pasta is produced from the highest quality durum wheat benefiting from state-of-the-art techniques. Favored very much for its deliciousness Piyale Pasta preserves its shape post-cooking, remains intact and nonstick.
There are numerous types of Piyale pasta to be savored for each case. While thinking which one to choose, perhaps you will be inclined for freefalling or fusilli. You make thin slices of garlic and grate tomatoes. You roast minced meat with little cuts of onion in a pan. Finally you add vegetables and a pinch of spices. Isn’t life wonderful?
Or you might have guests coming for dinner at short notice. What can you cook in such a short time? Do not panic; think about the miracles you can make with a pack of couscous. How about putting boiled couscous in thin layers of dough, folding as you wish and baking it in the oven. A marvelous taste... In fact, Piyale spaghetti could be a wonderful choice too. You can cook it with chicken, minced meat or even sea foods.
If you are the one saying”I love pastas but I hate gaining weight", then you’d like to prefer Piyale wholemeal pasta.